How to prepare for ips, upsc

Everyone’s college experience is unique because we all are students of life. For Students, four years of college is remembered as a symbol of complete freedom and self- discovery. To aquire and develop practical life skills students attend different universities, choose different fields, and many other things that make each person’s experience unique. But what you take away from college is an experience that helpes you learn valuable life lessons along with aquiring a degree. You may not realize it right now, but these life lessons can go with you in a long way in preparing yourself for a bright future.

Here are 10 life Experience Every Students Goes Through


When you are in College if you don’t worry, nobody else is going to worry about you. Sure, your family and friends will visit you every now and then, but you’re the sole person responsible for you – 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Your parents and relatives will not  be there to hold your pinky finger and spoon-feed you with goodies. If that doesn’t teach you to be independent, nothing will. You have to travel on your own, decide what and where to eat so that your health doesn’t go bad, spend, and do everything on your own!


College teaches us about real world money management and how it is a critical part of adult life. Budget comes in hand with resourcefulness. Budgeting our money teaches us how to scrimp and save and also to make smarter financial decisions. All students are literally broke at the end of every month as the only source of much needed money for an average Indian college student is his/her parents. If you cross your limit, then you’re done for the month and then you have no choice left with you.


Doing your final year project can burn a hole in your pocket. You hunt down every nook and corner of the city to find the cheapest materials which suits your need. At that time you learn to bargain. You also gain knowledge about getting work done from people with the least effort possible, that in India is known as “jugaad”. This small little skill is not exactly a life experience, but every students goes through.


Even though you have thousands of things to do; you should know what needs to be done when. You have to learn to schedule your time for every task and get things done based on their level of importance. If it doesn’t, you’ll learn soon enough in life, because when things don’t get done, negative things tend to happen. You also have to face situations where you need to choose between partying with your best friend and completing the project that is due for the next day. That shit can get very serious out there.


Similar to prioritizing your tasks, Multi tasking is like a superpower which every one acquires in his/her life. Nothing can beat this one. Every day you are constantly being bombarded with tasks. In day to day life, you learn how to make decisions and choices and to give the most attention to only the important ones. Often you have to do plenty of things at a time and if you’ve learned to switch gears then at that time the art of Multi tasking works. The freedom, the resources, the talent, everything is with you. All you need is, the ability to just do it.

Work Hard, Party Harder

College life isn’t just about doing hard work and getting ahead in the race as we used to do in our school days. It’s about enjoying life at large, and in doing so one sometimes finds oneself in such situations which are beyond one’s control. It’s also important to enjoy yourself once in a while, as some students become so career oriented and chasing their goals that they forget what college life memories are really all about: the friends, the gossip, the eating out, the partying, and even the bunking!

Learning is a Lifetime Activity

You are consistently learning new things throughout your life time. This opens your eyes to the fact that there is so much knowledge to soak up. You become very creative and you start exploring on new things around you in college but it’s not possible to learn everything just during our time in college.

Our Life Needs Balance

From school, work, family, and social commitments in college, you begin the struggle of being pulled in multiple directions. While in college, you become aware that these situations may occur, so you learn how to create the solutions instead of dwelling on the problems. Developing a balance is critical in maintaining overall success in college as well as in life.

Learning From Your Mistakes

We all make mistakes, but college life can drag you deep. You end up making mistakes that can make you regret for the rest of your life. As you stayed out late with friends instead of studying for the test. Making these kinds of mistakes in college teaches us how to make better choices in the future. Thing is, you start evolving, you start forgiving yourself and others, usually you learn and slowly you move on.

Double Faced People

The first thing you’ve got to get used to is double-faced people. Everywhere, everytime. Life isn’t a bed of roses and you need people to sail through it. College is where you learn to deal with different kinds of people. People you meet act or behave or do something differently in front of you than they might do with people they previously knew. What’s more, they may use this double-faceted personality to your detriment. Beware!

Friends and Final Goodbye.

Friends for life. Most of the times, your best friend is always from your college. He/she has been with you through all that crap that happened in your college years and that feel can never be found else where. College days were all about crushes , but things get serious when you are in college. You go super crazy for that one person who gives you butterflies.

Nothing can beat that feeling of leaving your college on the last day. You start recollecting all the memories, you smile at all the crap you’ve done , you hug the ones who made your day and smile at the ones who hurt you. You feel mature. You step into the world of possibilities.


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