With almost a month remaining to deposit old currency notes, about 75% of the old Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes in circulation have reportedly been deposited into the banking system.
RBI governor Urjit Patel gets a little over Rs 2 lakh as salaryRBI chief has not been provided with any supporting staff at his residenceUrjit Patel took over as RBI Governor in September NEW DELHI: RBI governor Urjit Patel gets a little over Rs 2 lakh as salary and has not been provided with any support staff at his residence, the central bank has said. Patel, who took over as RBI Governor in September , is presently in possession of the bank's flat (Deputy Governor's flat) in Mumbai, it said. "No support staff has been provided to the present Governor, Urjit Patel at his residence. Two cars and two drivers have been provided to the present Governor," RBI said in reply to an RTI query. The bank was asked to provide details of remuneration given to former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan and incumbent Patel. For the month of October — the first full month Patel was in office as Governor — Patel got Rs 2.09 lakh as his salary, the same amount dra...
WannaCry ransomware attack: Your ATM is safe for now, say experts Bank ATMs across India might escape the WannaCry worm global attack that locks computers and demands a ransom, cyber security experts said on Monday. At least 80% of Indian ATMs operate on Windows XP and uses a firmware that limits the machine’s activities to bare basics such as dispensing cash on request and checking the account balance. Other activities are blacklisted, preventing a ransomware from attacking an ATM. Speculation swirled in India over the safety of ATMs after WannaCry crippled more than 200,000 computer systems across 150 countries since Friday. India’s cyber security agency alerted Internet users against the worm that locks down files of an infected computer and asks the user to pay a ransom of $300 in Bitcoin virtual currency to unlock the system. The worm takes advantage of a Windows vulnerability that Microsoft released a security patch for in March and computers that hadn’t upda...
जरूर पढ़ें और सावधान रहे* कल शाम को एक काल आयी, कोई लड़की थी। बोली," सर, मैं जॉब के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन कर रही थी। गलती से आपका नम्बर डाल दिया है, क्योकि मेरे और आपके मोबाइल नंबर में काफी समानता है। आपके पास थोड़ी देर में एक ओटीपी आएगी, प्लीज बता दो सर, ज़िन्दगी का सवाल है।" बात बिल्कुल जेनुइन लग रही थी, मैनें इनबॉक्स चेक किया, दो मैसेज आये थे। एक पर ओटीपी था, दूसरा एक मोबाइल से आया मैसेज। लिखा था, dear सर, आपके पास जो ओटीपी आयी है, प्लीज इस नंबर पर भेज दीजिये..........Thanks in advance. मैसेज देख ही रहा था कि फोन दोबारा आया .... मैनें ओके क्लिक किया। वही सुमधुर आवाज। बस नंबर दूसरा था। " सर, आपने देखा होगा अब तक ओटीपी आ गयी होगी। या तो बता दो या फारवर्ड कर दो उस नंबर पर..." प्लीज... "बता दूंगा, पर आप पहले एक काम करो.." "हा सर.. बोलिये.." "जो नंबर आपनें डाला है रेजिस्ट्रेसन में, वो मेरा नम्बर है और उसी से मिलता जुलता नम्बर आपके पास भी है, तभी आपसे ये गलती हुई , है न?" "हां सर.." "ओके, उसी नम्बर से मुझे आप कॉल करो, ताकि मैं वेरी...
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