Wanna quit smoking
Wanna: Quit Smoking Wanna know how is this possible!!!! Many peoples start smoking at their teen age. And reason is only Tension and curiosity Curiosity is major problem in teens. For smoking and taking alcohol. First of all you need to find a reason. For why you need to quit smoking. And the reason for quitting is big. Try to find that big reason. Reason may be sweet smile of your mom. It may be your dad's love. It may be your future with your girlfriend. Try to find your own Because you can't quit unless you have a big reason. And a great will power.. Everyone is having great willpower to do anything.. First prepare yourself for that... Give yourself rewards everyday. Start from beginning... Count your daily poison stick. And then count how much money you spend on that.. Think it. Analysis people who smokes How they looks while smoking Trust me they are not looking cool dude... You can't impress any girl with this. Smokers ...