Online game of death

Online game of death: Blue Whale takes life on the 50th day

The online bloody game named Blue Whale is now appearing in India also. that more than 200 youths in the world have died, this game has killed a teenage girl in India too. This game is a deadly game of the Internet that the player has to give his/her  life on the 50th day.

Questions is that. 

How does this game take children into their grip
 and then how does it force them to commit suicide?

1. I will tell you the detail about this. 
2. I will also tell you what the symptoms of children in the game may look like
3.  how to save them from death.

But before this, 
          I tell  you  how this  deadly  game 'Blue Whale' came?

Latest event 

 Manpreet, 14, committed suicide by jumping from the 7th floor to complete the game's challenge. Police have filed an FIR on the basis of complaints of the residents and have gathered in the investigation of the case. In its initial investigation, the police have said that this case seems to be the online game 'Blue Whale Dare'. This suspicion of the police has raised many questions on the Blue Whale Game because hundreds of people in the world including Russia have been victims of it

Latest case of indore 

A 7th class student from Indore has allegedly tried to commit suicide owing to the infamous Blue Whale Challenge.
The student from Chameli Devi School, Indore was saved after intervention from his friends and teachers. After the morning assembly as the students were headed towards their classrooms, a Class 7 student was seen bending over the railings of the third floor.

His friends raised an alarm and also stopped him by grabbing his arms. The teachers instantly ran to the rescue of the student. He was brought downstairs and taken to the medical room where the teachers calmed him down.

What is the BLUE WHALE GAME!!!!!!! 

Game called 'Blue Whale Game' or 'The Blue Whale Challenge' has been made in Russia. It was made by a man named Philipp Budedkin in 2013. Through this game, the first case of suicide in Russia was revealed in 2015. In Russia between November 2015 to April 2016, 130 youths committed suicide In this game, the user is given some special tasks for 50 days. Initially, easy tasks like watching horror films are given and after completion of it, tasks are given to the body. When the user completes all the tasks, he is given the task of suicide at the end. Now the user has become so addicted to this game that he does not stop without completing the task and gives life.

Who made this and why? 

In the wake of several suicide cases coming in 2016, PHILIPP BUDEIKIN  was arrested for inciting suicide. When Woodkin was arrested, during which time 15 children had committed suicide in a short span of time. After the arrest of BUDEKIN,  the police also saved five children from killing them.
When police interrogated BUDEKIN, he came to know that he is a psychology student and he has invented this bloody game. BUDEKIN  told the police that his motive was to clean the society. Those who do not understand the value of their life are garbage for society and it is necessary to clean them. It is also being told that the master of this game is a postman named Mind Russia's Ilya Sidorov. The accused postman was arrested for inciting the children to LIFE. 

How children reaching their? 

This game, reaching to many countries of the world, reaches people through social media. It is built on a social network called Vkontakte, that is Russia's most popular social networking site. When searching for a game, when someone creates an account on this website, hundreds of photos, messages and groups are exposed when they search blue whales. These groups are filled with messages that are depressing. In which the sketches of ghosts, photographs of bleeding, photographs of the veins of the hand and injuring themselves

This traits appear before the game is gripped. 

Psychologist Dr Pulicit Sharma told HT that most people who are involved in such games and play or joining such groups in social media are victims of depression. In such a situation, the householders should not allow him to use social media if his child is in depression.

Some of the symptoms of depression are :-

  1. To look silly 
  2. To make distance from parents,  friends and other real life friends 
  3. Fear 
  4. Anxiety 
  5. Frustration 
  6. Social media addiction 
  7. Laxity 
  8. Exhaustion
  9. Showing offensive behavior 
  10. Sleeplessness 
  11. Irritation 

Parents and school can help in avoiding this deadly game. 

Experts say that these parents and schools can save children from the bloody game called Blue Whale. Keep an eye on family members and be alert about their mental health, to a large extent children can be kept away from suaside incidents.
Psychologist Dr. Sagar Mandhana says that it is a very clear example that children do not understand the difference between real and virtual world. When a hero dies in the video game, he is resurrected again, but children take the game's challenge so seriously that they can not distinguish between death and gaming. Some such children normally talk and behave like adults. But they get so much in the game that they can not make a difference in right and wrong.
In such cases, schools and parents are advised to make the child mentally strong and educate him against suicide. Children should also have an environment that they do not hide from any type of thing and tell your mind in the house


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