
बेंक अकाउंट हैक करके ठगाई का एक नया तरीका !

जरूर पढ़ें और सावधान रहे* कल शाम को एक काल आयी, कोई लड़की थी। बोली," सर, मैं जॉब के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन कर रही थी। गलती से आपका नम्बर डाल दिया है, क्योकि मेरे और आपके मोबाइल नंबर में काफी समानता है। आपके पास थोड़ी देर में एक ओटीपी आएगी, प्लीज बता दो सर, ज़िन्दगी का सवाल है।" बात बिल्कुल जेनुइन लग रही थी, मैनें इनबॉक्स चेक किया, दो मैसेज आये थे। एक पर ओटीपी था, दूसरा एक मोबाइल से आया मैसेज। लिखा था, dear सर, आपके पास जो ओटीपी आयी है, प्लीज इस नंबर पर भेज दीजिये..........Thanks in advance. मैसेज देख ही रहा था कि फोन दोबारा आया .... मैनें ओके क्लिक किया। वही सुमधुर आवाज। बस नंबर दूसरा था। " सर, आपने देखा होगा अब तक ओटीपी आ गयी होगी। या तो बता दो या फारवर्ड कर दो उस नंबर पर..." प्लीज... "बता दूंगा, पर आप पहले एक काम करो.." "हा सर.. बोलिये.." "जो नंबर आपनें डाला है रेजिस्ट्रेसन में, वो मेरा नम्बर है और उसी से मिलता जुलता नम्बर आपके पास भी है, तभी आपसे ये गलती हुई , है न?" "हां सर.." "ओके, उसी नम्बर से मुझे आप कॉल करो, ताकि मैं वेरी...

UIDAI lets you lock your Aadhaar biometrics

Watch: UIDAI lets you lock your Aadhaar biometrics   Mumbai:   Amid questions being raised regarding the security of the Aadhaar database, UIDAI has come up with a way to lock our biometrics against misuse. As Aadhaar is increasingly linked to various day to day services like payments, welfare schemes, income tax services, etc, it is important that we safeguard our biometrics that are used for authentication purposes. UIDAI, the nodal agency handling Aadhaar recently posted on Twitter, a way to lock one's biometrics like finger print and iris data.  This is how you can lock your biometrics: 1. Log on to 2. Select the Lock/unlock Biometrics option under the tab called Aadhaar Services on the right. 3.  You will be re-directed to the Lock/unlock Biometrics page. Enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number and the security code in the specified fields under the Lock your Biomet...

Online game of death

Online game of death: Blue Whale takes life on the 50th day The online bloody game named Blue Whale is now appearing in India also.  that more than 200 youths in the world have died, this game has killed a teenage girl in India too.  This game is a deadly game of the Internet that the player has to give his/her  life on the 50th day. Questions is that.  How does this game take children into their grip  and then how does it force them to commit suicide? 1. I  will tell you the detail about this.  2. I will also tell you what the  symptoms of children in the game may look like 3.  how to save them from death. But before this,            I tell  you  how this  deadly  game 'Blue Whale' came? Latest event    Manpreet, 14, committed suicide by jumping from the 7th floor to complete the game's challenge.  Police have filed an FIR on the basis of...

How Hackers Hack Your Facebook Account and How to prevent

How Hackers Hack Your Facebook Account???  and How to prevent!!!  1  Keylogging Keylogging is one of the easiest ways to hack a password of the facebook account. Keylogger is a small software or program which installed in a victim computer and this program record everything which victim type in his computer. How to Protect yourself from Keyloggers Install a good antivirus in your computer. Never open your facebook account on another computer. Always download free software from trusted websites Never download or get a software from untrusted sources. Always scan a pen drive for virus.  2  Mobile Phone Hacking Generally, we reset our facebook password from our mobile phone. What if someone install monitor apps in our phone. With monitor apps, hackers can access and read your all sms and he can easily reset your facebook password in just seconds. How to Protect yourself from Facebook Mobile Phone Hacking Always install a good antiv...

WannaCry ransomware attack: Your ATM is safe for now,

WannaCry ransomware attack: Your ATM is safe for now, say experts Bank ATMs across India might escape the WannaCry worm global attack that locks computers and demands a ransom, cyber security experts said on Monday. At least 80% of Indian ATMs operate on Windows XP and uses a firmware that limits the machine’s activities to bare basics such as dispensing cash on request and checking the account balance. Other activities are blacklisted, preventing a ransomware from attacking an ATM. Speculation swirled in India over the safety of ATMs after WannaCry crippled more than 200,000 computer systems across 150 countries since Friday. India’s cyber security agency alerted Internet users against the worm that locks down files of an infected computer and asks the user to pay a ransom of $300 in Bitcoin virtual currency to unlock the system. The worm takes advantage of a Windows vulnerability that Microsoft released a security patch for in March and computers that hadn’t upda...

It’s Not Over! WannaCry 2.0 Ransomware Arrives

WannaCry Kill-Switch(ed)? It’s Not Over! WannaCry 2.0 Ransomware Arrives   Multiple security researchers have claimed that there are more samples of WannaCry out there, with different 'kill-switch' domains and without any kill-switch function, continuing to infect unpatched computers worldwide..  So far, over 237,000 computers across 99 countries around the world have been infected, and the infection is still rising even hours after the kill switch was triggered by the 22-years-old British security researcher behind the twitter handle ' MalwareTech .' For those unaware, WannaCry is an insanely fast-spreading ransomware malware that leverages a  Windows SMB exploit  to remotely target a computer running on unpatched or unsupported versions of Windows. Once infected, WannaCry also scans for other vulnerable computers connected to the same network, as well scans random hosts on the wider Internet, to spread quickly. The SMB exploit, currently being used by...